Elf Mineral Eyeshadow Primer
- cheap (3,50€ !!)
- good consistency
- long lasting
- Mineral! =)
- the e/s finish
Review: I think this primer is very good for its price! It makes the eyeshadows last long without creasing! However, I've found that this product makes the e/s look "flat" instead of enhancing the color. Overall it's a good primer and I'd definitely use it but maybe with matte eyeshadows!
Mac Prep+Prime Eyes
- quality
- long lasting
- quality/price (11,5£/about 13€)
- finish and consistency
Review: although this primer does its job, I won't repurchase it!! It feels drying non the lid and makes it very hard to blend the eyeshadows! Its consistency is very similar to that of a concealer, in fact it's also quite covering (and this is the part I like the most about it, so it evens out the lid). Overall I think this one's better for oily lids (not like mine) but there are definitely better products!
Benefit Stay Don't Stray Concealer/Shadow Base
- consistency
- the "concealing" part
- expensive!! 24€!! pheewww!
- quality/price
- it creases!
Review: this is a product that evens out the lid (the concealer part =P) and it also can be used under the eye for the dark circles. However, I think it's too expensive compared to other primers which have the same quality! Moreover, after about 4/5 hours it starts to crease!! I wouldn't repurchase this one as it's quite pricey and not so long lasting!
Too Faced Shadow Insurance
- consistency
- long lasting
- finish
- quality/price (16€ at Sephora)
- actually... I haven't found any! =P
Review: this is one of my favorite e/s bases! It makes the eyeshadow last very long without creasing! It's got a very nice consistency that allows the e/s to adhere perfectly to the lid. I'm currently using this and I'd totally repurchase it!
Urban Decay Primer Potion
- quality/price (about 11£ online)
- consistency
- long lasting
CONs: none!
Review: Who hasn't heard about it?? =) this is the best base I've tried so far! it's consistency is almost the same as the Too Faced one, but this primer really makes the eyeshadows stand out! I'm actually using the Too Faced one, but as soon as I run out of that I'll use the UDPP!
Overall: all the eyeshadow bases I have tried make the eyeshadow last long. However they don't have the same consistency at all... I found the Mac Prep+Prime one to be the worst in these terms, followed by the Benefit and the Elf one... The best primers I've tried are the Too Faced Shadow Insurance and the world-famous UDPP.
Hope you found this helpful =) What's you fav e/s base? let me know!
Nice post! I swear by eyeshadow primers, as I have super oily and quite hooded eyelids! My top 3 primers are (in no particular order) :
ReplyDelete- Radiant Professional Eyeshadow Base (Greek brand)
- Elf Mineral Eyeshadow Primer
- Artdeco Eyeshadow Base (German brand)
I've never tried the Too Faced one or the UD one! Do you get Artdeco in Italy? :)
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI've heard about Artdeco but here in Italy it's not so diffused =( However I highly recommend the Too Faced and the Urban Decay ones, they are great! =)
I've heard that the Too Faced is a bit heavy and moisturizing, so it wouldn't work for me!
You're right, if you have oily lids it probably wouldn't work as it's got a very rich consistency! Fortunately I don't have oliy lids so most of the primers just work with mine LOL!
ReplyDeleteho usato il primer di urban decay e too faced,ma preferisco quest'ultimo soprattutto perchè la confezione è più comoda. Ora stò provando quello di neve make up e non è male.
ReplyDeleteQuello della Benefit mi attirava,ma hanno dei prezzi esagerati!!! >_<
Un bacione
Condivido su tutto, però devo ancora provare quello di too faces, che ho lasciato nella sua scatoletta per finire prima gli altri...ma mi hai messo curiosità =)
ReplyDelete@Dony è vero il primer too faced è moolto piu' comodo che la UDPP!! si quello di Benefit stato una delusione! 24 euro buttati! >.<
ReplyDelete@Des primer potion e shadow insurance come consistenza sono pressochè identici e lo stesso anche per la tenuta... l'unica differenza è che l'UDPP ravviva ancora di piu' i colori, ma è una differenza minima...ottime entrambe comunque! ;-)
Io ho provato sia il PPUD (preso a milano quando c'è stato l'incontro a Madina :P) sia shadow insurance della Too Faced, tutti e due ottimi!! Cmq è vero che il PPUD intensifica leggermente di più il colore però ho visto anche che dipende dalla quantità che si mette. Forse per packaging e applicatore tendo a mettere più prodotto di PPUD rispetto al too faced, anche la quantità influenza molto su questo fronte. Cmq le differenze sono quasi impercettibili eheh
ReplyDeleteesatto, le differenze sono davvero minime! la qualità è ottima in tutte (tranne quella Mac e la Benefit). =)